Selamat Datang di weblog resmi MPK - Smansa - Tanjungpinang ~ Welcome to official weblog for The Students Municipal Council of Senior High "The One"

14 November 2007

Intro ~ ~


Smansa ~ Tanjungpinang

SMANSA is -->

Senior High "The One" located @ Jl. Dr. Soetomo ~ Tanjungpinang ~ Kepulauan Riau Province. "The One" most favored High School in town, "The One" most not to be underestimated High School in town, "The One" produced most outstanding and valuable human resources in town, "The One" created most highly educated intellectuality  students, and not to be forgotten most extra curriculum too predicated "The One" over the time.


The problems now was we are destined to be "The One" and not two, three nor so forth.

As too many "The One" that has been heritage to us from our seniors, its been our responsible to carry on their achievement so as their will too. Therefore we, the Students Municipal Council of Senior High "The One" has decided to keep this tradition on and on through this blogs, mind, heart, implementation and application.

Hence for those who wish to join in our "The One" Big Family please do prepared or never, as soon will be the next enrollment but do accept any consequences, it won't be easy as you think.

Last but not least, thanks for your kind and highly attention.

Smansa ~ Tanjungpinang

The Students Municipal Council
Senior High "The One"

Tanjungpinang ~ Bintan Island ~ Riau Islands


13 November 2007

Selamat Datang

Yang terhormat,

Atas Nama MPK SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungannya di:
Blog resmi MPK SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang ~ Kepulauan Riau ~ Indonesia.
informasi ~ kegiatan organisasi kesiswaan ~ legitimasi setiap keputusan
serta menjaring aspirasi yang berkembang di dalam lingkungan warga Smansa Tanjungpinang


Mengingat blog ini akan berbenah secara berkelanjutan maka, harapan terhadap pesan dan kesan beserta saran dan masukan sangat kami perlukan.

Sehingga keberadaan blogs MPK Smansa Tanjungpinang menjelang pengadaan domain tersendiri yang belum kami targetkan bisa berhasil guna, berdaya guna, bermakna dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Untuk menjadi maklum, atas waktu dan perhatiannya kami haturkan ribuan terima kasih.


Hormat Kami,

Majelis Permusyawaratan Kelas
Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang